
If you are a music producer or a record label, your goal is to make money. Every day, new songs come out, and old ones get pushed back into the album queue. Songs that were once popular may not be heard by many people anymore because they have been buried under newer releases.

But there are ways for artists to resurface their older songs using live german tv and marketing strategies that will allow them to gain exposure and generate revenue from these older tracks again! In this post, you’ll find three steps on how to reintroduce your past successes into the spotlight with today’s technology.

Make Marketing Campaigns

recordingOne of the best ways to bring attention back onto an artist is through marketing campaigns. There are plenty of marketing campaigns. For example, email lists provide instant access to a large number of fans who are likely to be interested in the artist’s new music. To make an effective marketing campaign, you’ll need to:

  • Create Eye-Catching Graphics
  • Develop Catchy Headlines
  • Generate Interesting Content
  • Include a Strong Call to Action

For example, if you have an upcoming show in your city, you can create a flyer and post it around town. You could also send out an email blast with all of the details about the show, including a link to purchase tickets online.

Use Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are a great way to get your music in front of new listeners. In order to make the most of social media, you’ll need to:

  • Create Engaging Posts
  • Target the Right Audience
  • Make use of Paid Advertising
  • Keep up with Trends

For example, if you’re releasing a new song, you could post a teaser video on Instagram and ask your followers to guess what the song is about. You can also use social media to drive traffic to your website or music streaming platforms.

Live Streaming Services

songToday, there are a number of live streaming services that allow artists to share their performances with fans all over the world. These services can be a great way to resurface older songs and introduce them to a new audience. In order to make the most of live streaming services, you’ll need to:

  • Choose the Right Service
  • Prepare for Your Performance
  • Promote Your Performance

For example, if you’re performing at a club in your hometown, you could promote the show on Facebook and post links to purchase tickets. You could also send out an email blast to your mailing list.

The Bottom Line

By following these five steps, you can bring attention back to your older songs and generate new revenue from them using marketing strategies that are relevant today.

If you have any questions about how to resurface old songs using marketing strategies, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I would be happy to help.…

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The earliest form of marketing in the arts was through word-of-mouth. Artists would get their work seen by other artists and patrons, spreading the word to more people if they liked it. One of the most famous examples of this is Michelangelo’s David, which he completed in 1504 and debuted at Florence Cathedral. It immediately became a sensation and was soon installed into the Palazzo Vecchio for public viewing when Vasari became director there two years later.

However, as time went on, many things changed that affected how art was marketed. The advent of photography meant that instead of visiting someone’s gallery or museum in person, you could look at photographs online or print them out. Nowadays, you can even book art object for special events. Let’s look at the evolution below:

Mouth-to-mouth Marketing

exhibitArt marketing is tricky nowadays since it’s a niche market, but it was all the rage back then, and craftsmen and artists would market their arts using word-of-mouth. It’s similar to how you would recommend the place to your peers and friends when you had a good experience after eating in a new restaurant, which is very simple yet have a powerful effect.


Similar to propaganda posters, artists would market using posters. These would be plastered around cities, usually on walls with advertisements for local shops and services like food or entertainment. The ads were highly visual to catch the attention of passers-by, who may stop to take a look before moving on.


picturesThis form of marketing was not actually invented until 1839 by Louis Daguerre, but it changed the landscape of how art was consumed and experienced. Suddenly, people could not only see paintings in person, but they could also share them from the comfort of their homes by looking at photographs. This allowed for a broader audience to appreciate and purchase art than ever before.


With the advent of photography, galleries became a popular place for artists to exhibit their work. This allowed people to see the art in person and get a better sense of the artist’s intent and technique. The downside, however, is that not everyone could afford to travel or live in places where there were galleries.


framesLike galleries, museums also allowed people to see paintings in person, but they were created to provide art education and preserve history. This is why there are often more rules on what type of photography you can take inside museums than galleries (e.g., no flash).


This form of marketing was first made popular by Pablo Picasso’s Guernica in 1937. Art was limited to museums and galleries, but it began being used for special events like documentaries or political gatherings after World War II. These days you can even book landmarks like Michelangelo’s David at Florence cathedral for weddings!…

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Medical Web Design SEO Tips

You’ll be surprised at the differences in the design of different doctor’s offices. For example, a pediatrician may have colorful walls and a play area for young children. A sports medicine doctor may have framed photos of athletes displayed in his office. Healthcare web design is similar. So, learning the medical practice successful website design tips will benefit your business. Your website can say a lot about you and your practice. A beautiful website can make a big difference to your business and reputation, whether you’re a solo practitioner or a hospital. You need to make sure your website is informative, clear, and representative of your practice. Remember that no two medical practices are the same, so your web design for medical practice websites should be unique to your target audience. What works for others may not work for your business.

Medical Web Design SEO Tips

Make Sure It’s Mobile-Friendly

Quora Creative’s stats page shows that 80% of web users will use their mobile devices to search the internet in 2019. Nearly half of mobile users surveyed said they would switch to competing sites if they had a bad experience on their mobile devices. Healthcare providers shouldn’t overlook mobile responsiveness. A mobile responsive medical website design adapts to any device’s screen size, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet or computer. Users can interact with content on their favorite devices without having to pinch or scroll. Imagine how frustrating it would be for someone who is sick and can’t communicate with you through mobile responsiveness.

Medical Web Design SEO TipsThese tips will help you connect with patients who use mobile devices to access your medical website design. Optimize your homepage. Optimizing your website for mobile devices is essential. You can offer a long, scrolling homepage that contains quick information about your practice. This will keep readers interested in learning about your services. Then, you can allow visitors to click to call.

When a potential patient wants to make an appointment, they’ll want to do so as soon as possible. A strategically placed button in your navigation makes it easy for them to call your business from their mobile device immediately. Mobile search is responsible for 48% of calls to businesses.

Make Your Website Easy to Navigate

Navigation structure is a key component of medical web design. Your visitors can become frustrated if they can’t navigate your website. They may even abandon your business. We’ve already mentioned that medical help seekers are often sick, so they don’t have the time or patience to navigate a confusing website. According to a recent survey, 94% of website users consider ease of navigation to be the most important feature. This means that the effectiveness of your website depends on how well it is navigated. It shouldn’t take long to navigate your content. If it does, you’re likely to turn some visitors away.

Learn and Determine Your Brand Messaging

Medical Web Design SEO TipsPatients have many options when it comes to choosing a healthcare provider. Don’t allow any interpretation of your practice. Your medical web design should clearly communicate your services and differentiate your practice from other providers. It is important to clarify the type of health care providers and services you offer and the patients you treat. Visitors to your website are often busy and may not have the time or patience to search for information. If this is the case, you need to take it a step further. This is an opportunity to tell your story and communicate what you stand for. These are the key elements to getting a clear brand message on your medical website. This includes colors, fonts, and images.…

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SEO Tips to Rank Higher on Google

SEO is a complex process as there are a lot of things going on that you should control. Google and other search engines have  developed their own algorithms to rank webpages based on several factors. For example, Google has calculations like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird that improve websites’ ranking with valuable content and penalize those with bad content. An Internet search engine optimization consultant or webmaster should use these new calculations to improve your website’s ranking in Google and other search engines.

SEO Tips to Rank Higher on Google

Identify the Right Keywords

One of the best practices for finding keywords and keyword phrases is keyword research: finding and evaluating the phrases and keywords that attract visitors to a website. Before writing your posts, use these tools to select and analyze a few important phrases and keywords related to your topic. Then, of course, incorporate these phrases and keywords into your articles.

Another important element of keyword research is to consider important secondary and tertiary keyword phrases and words. These are your main key phrases or important keyword choices and are also crucial to attracting visitors to your website. Crucial phrases and keywords should be present in the URL, title, outline, keywords, and throughout the rest of the text. However, it is not advisable to substantiate them (use them in a way that does not look natural).

Create Quality Contents and Perform On-Page Optimization

Quality content creation and search engine optimization are great ways to make your pages appear highly relevant to search engines. Here are some factors to work on.


The title should also be short but informative. Also, it should not be full of keywords, as this can get your website penalized by search engines.


According to webmasters, it is extremely important to create search engine-friendly URLs that contain some of your keywords. Short URLs with the perfect important phrases are highly recommended.

Body Copy

People like to read well-written and informative articles. Therefore, you should create text that is free of grammar and punctuation errors. Your articles should also be exceptional, well-organized, and contain at least 300 words.

Generate Social Media Promotion

According to SEO professionals, websites that employ many social signals appear at the top of SERPs. Most website design applications offer quick and easy procedures to incorporate social media links into your pages.

Get Quality Backlinks

SEO Tips to Rank Higher on GoogleBacklinks have great relevance and usefulness for your content. The quantity and quality of backlinks determine the search engine optimization effect of backlinks. It has been shown that websites that use a large number of backlinks rank better than those with few backlinks. Hyperlinks are more valuable if they come from websites with content that links well to their articles.

In terms of quality, traffic with your keywords and follows function is usually of high quality and can improve your site’s ranking. As for your site, you can also enjoy higher quality. Backlinks from websites with higher search engine visibility tend to be more valuable than backlinks from websites with lower search engine visibility. This is because websites with higher SEO visibility tend to have fantastic search engine rankings and high traffic.…

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Veterinary Web Design Tips

While starting your veterinary business, you want to plan certain veterinary marketing solutions to increase your business’s performance. Therefore, you have to pay close attention to the details of your website’s web design and content. The web content contains the text and the graphics of the web pages designed for a website.

Veterinary Web Design Tips

Your web design company should ensure that your internet business messages are clear, complete, and attractive to customers as you would expect in any of your high-quality advertising in another printed advertisement. Here are simple web design tips to attract more customers for your veterinary clinic.

Make a Simple Feature of Customers Book Appointments

Nowadays, people want something fast and sure. So, you should make sure that your website has a feature of customers book appointments. This feature should be easy to navigate and simple. To make it happen, you can try to make this feature button (‘book now’) more visible. You can also send an email to your potential customers that they can book an appointment online through your website. If you want to increase this feature’s use, you can also try to leverage your social media channels. So, your customers will know that they can use your service easily. Hence, your business will grow faster.

Increase the Loading Speed

Veterinary Web Design TipsUsers don’t like to wait long. No one can be more impatient than someone who regularly surfs the Internet: they would like to find the information they need immediately and without delay. There are now competing sites with similar information readily available, there is no fantastic reason for customers to wait for a website to load, as they could get what they need elsewhere.

A website’s loading time can be reduced by maximizing images and web code and eliminating unnecessary widgets and plugins that are not needed. Also, it is best to purchase a loading message to have a timer or even some other progress indicator. People are more likely to stick around if they know the exact time it will take to log in, rather than waiting endlessly for it to load.

Make Sure It’s Easy to Navigate

A website should be built in a way that makes it easy to navigate, so that people can immediately find the information they need. If the structure is complicated and the text is hard to understand, visitors will be frustrated and go to another site. Also, website owners should make sure that the text is readable. It shouldn’t be so small that people have trouble seeing it, and it shouldn’t be so large that it looks unprofessional.

Go to the Point Directly

The information provided should be brief but complete. There should be no distractions or distracting elements to keep people focused, such as an image (that is eye-catching to close) over the material. A website that deals with publications (such as a technical advice/gossip topic) need extra time for people to see it. The time can be extended by using elements that point to relevant material.

Suppose a visitor arrives at a web page with an article on how to get rid of a particular computer virus from their computer. In that case, it should contain links to other articles dealing with similar topics (e.g., antivirus software). Hyperlinks can be included within the guide to describe the phrases and techniques of the latest post and a recommendation to read it. In this way, the place a visitor land acts as a gateway to other pages.

Add Multimedia

Ethnic implications aside, this is not a wonderful development regarding the Internet. People now prefer to listen to music, play games, and look at pictures rather than read text. As a design position solution, web designers can make the content much more attractive by accompanying it with an attractive image clip or related images. Since visual elements can create interest and curiosity, they convince people to look at the text …

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Attaining top Google rankings is critical to the success of an online business. According to research, 94 per cent of traffic is received by the first Google page. The subsequent pages receive below 6 per cent of the traffic. Therefore, companies must get the best SEO strategy. Search engine optimization involves the different activities that an organization can undertake to get better rankings on the search engines. Everyone is interested in increasing the visibility of their website, which takes time to attain.

Below are some of the tips for improving your website’s google ranking:

Improving Your Page Loading Speed

There are several reasons why the web page loading time is important. If the loading speed is too low, your rankings will reduce as people will leave so fast and it will be detected by Google. Slow websites also affect the way the web visitors engage the pages. Consequently, negative interactions affect the rankings. A research study indicated that 40 per cent of the web visitors will exit if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, and might never come back.

Posting High-Quality Content

post regularlyThe website has to be updated regularly to have high SEO rankings. This ensures you attract more traffic and increase your site’s popularity. The content has to be relevant, high quality, and recent. A site that has exciting, newsworthy, and fresh information, will keep visitors longer on the page leading to more dwell time. High-quality content can increase the chances of being bookmarked which leads to more visits.

Using Image Optimization

Images and videos are good for the website. However, you need to ensure that they are optimized to get a better SEO ranking. File size and format should be appropriate. If the images are huge, the loading time will increase which reduces the ranking. The images should be resized or compressed to be optimized. You can also use images to include the keywords through appropriate naming. The keyword can form the title of your image.

Adding More than Text

use imagesThe website should not contain only written words. Pictures are good and other multimedia elements like slideshows, videos, and audio. This leads to an improved user experience. This is because starters will need to see a video since it is easier to watch something than to read. The multimedia sources, including videos, correlate with improving the SEO ranking. Depending on the length of the videos, a visitor could take several minutes on your page. If this happens, definitely the search ranking will be boosted.…

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